Today's Menu is: 咖哩飯!

Hello guys~ long time no blogging~ it has been so long since I've blogged, and now time has past and I'm now in Taiwan. Sadly, I've neglected my hobby of blogging, even though I feel like blogging was my passion, I like to write you know~ haha.

Anyways, I'm going to really start blogging even more, now my entry will be more about my daily activities in Taiwan, especially in Taichung (since I live here now) will probably post more about Taiwan's food, culture, and language!~

I will start writing diligently!! Promise! Oh, and I will share about my experience in general too~ how and why did I come to Taiwan to study Chinese Language and how was it traveling alone to study here. What APP to use here and what APP to use to learn Traditional Chinese. 

And now, stop with the blabbering and start with the menu!

First word we'll learn is...
咖哩飯 Kālí fàn Curry Rice
    so the translation for this is basically a loan word from the word "Curry", Kali fan Curry-Rice. Direct translation, so nothing to be confused about~

So today for my dinner I ate a bowl of Curry Rice, the store is near my University. it cost me 90 NTD for one, and I think it's pretty cheap. Here's a picture of it~

Rì shì zhá jī gālí fàn
Japanese Style Fried Chicken (Karaage) Curry Rice

Yes, it cost only 90 NTD, converted to IDR it's around 45.000 IDR so I think it's pretty cheap. For me I can eat a bowl and feel full for about 6 hours hahaha, I think I have small appetite, but I can eat a lot when eating buffet! Amazing isn't it?

So this curry is basically a Karaage Curry, and I think this restaurant is not Halal, so if you're Muslim, I don't recommend you to eat here, because they have some Pork in their menu

Usually inside the curry they will have some fried Yam, but I notice in every time I buy here their side dish always change, this time I got Mushroom, Peas, and some Basil

giving you another shot of this for size comparison hahaha~

The restaurant name is 狸之屋日式食堂 Lí zhī wū rì shì shítáng Tanuki (Japanese raccoon) House, and for their address, I'm linking you their facebook link so you can try and see~

And now to learn some of the words that I've underlined...
black means the word
red is the pinyin
blue is the literal translation to English

let's start form the first one..
a bowl     一碗     yī wǎn one bowl (direct translation)
the store is near my university     飯店在我大學附近    fàndiàn zài wǒ dàxué fùjìn      the store in my university near  (will explain this later~ this needs to be it's own subject~)
pretty cheap     一點便宜     yīdiǎn piányí a bit cheap
cheap     便宜     piányí cheap
it's around 45.000IDR     大概四萬五千印尼盾     dàgài sì wàn wǔqiān yìnní dùn around 45.000 Rupiah
restaurant     餐廳/飯店     cāntīng/fàndiàn restaurant
Muslim     穆斯林         mùsīlín Muslim (direct change from "Muslim")
pork     (豬)肉     (zhū) ròu Pork meat, but in Taiwan ròu without first word for desc. can sometimes means pork too
menu 菜單 càidān menu
inside 裡面 lǐmiàn inside
yam 地瓜 dìguā sweet potato (yam)
mushroom 蘑菇 mógū mushroom
peas 豌豆 wāndòu peas
basil 九層塔 jiǔcéngtǎ basil
address     地址     dìzhǐ address
try and see     試試看     shìshìkàn to give it a try a.k.a. try try look

I think that's all for today's post~ and yes. I promise to post more about my daily life...
Oh and do follow me on my Instagram~ @katharinaposasih
I might not be posting too much but you can hit me up on DM if you ever feel like asking~
I will answer as much as I can~
