Daily Mandarin Learning App May 2020 List

In this post I will tell you what APP is (for me) the best to use to study, test, hear, and understand Mandarin language. I will explain the APP based on their use and when I usually use it.

Here’s the list (not in an order):

1.       Hanping Pro

2.       Google Translate

3.       Pleco

4.       Hello Chinese

5.       iTalkuTalk

6.       Netflix

7.       Spotify

8.       Youtube

9.       Largetext (I think the name is )

10.   AnkiDroid

The first one is Hanping Pro, this app is actually the only app that I pay for their “pro” version, their pro version includes more words and more animation for their strokes. Many people prefer Pleco over this app, but I prefer this because the user interaction is much easier to see and since their tone words is marked with different color, it’s much faster for me to remember the tones. This app also support AnkiDroid flashcards and has many different version of Chinese language in it, including Cantonese (in app purchases).

Next one is Google Translate, and you guys probably knows why this one is my go to app. Even though sometimes google translate give you a more “formal” translation, this app have been very convenient for me to translate what I want to say, and to recheck my work / sentences. I usually learn some new words by myself, first I use Hanping Pro (and or Pleco) to know the meaning and see how to use the words, then I create my own sentence and see if my vocab is right or not.

Third one is Pleco, same as Hanping Pro this app is like a Chinese pocket dictionary oh and don’t forget to change or input your phone language and add Traditional Chinese with pinyin typing style. If you don’t know how to change it I have another post on how to change your keyboard to Chinese with pinyin typingstyle, only for android (Samsung) though.. haha.. sorry I’m not a 蘋果 user.

Next we have Hello Chinese, before coming to Taiwan I’ve learn Chinese in Indonesia for 3 month, not intensively and not always, so I tried to find a good app to kill time, play quiz, but at the same time learn Chinese. Since the Green Owl app didn’t work I downloaded this app, even though nowadays I don’t really use it too much I have to say, this app have saved me a lot of times and made it much fun for me to learn Chinese. You can change their settings to Simplified/Traditional. But side note, the app is made from Chinese developer, so you might find some of their words are not what Taiwanese people usually say. But, I’m not saying this is bad, just a bit different.

Then we have iTalkuTalk, this app use AI to check your pronunciation, it contains Youtube videos and you can see how fast Native people speak, and this app helps you to speak better, little by little. And this app also helps you to read faster hahaha, that's what my case it tho, because the words pass by so fast and you have to see what they're talking about. This is the Owl that I can stand~

Then we have Netflix, this one is quite obvious, since I can’t really find that many Taiwanese drama from free websites I borrowed my boyfriend’s family Netflix account (I’m basically a leech, but yes.) and with Netflix I can ask for recommendation from my Taiwanese friends. So I think it’s very convenient, but if you don’t have Netflix it’s okay. We have Spotify and Youtube.

I think I will put Spotify and Youtube on the same description, basically I usually watch and hear foreign people’s Channel and Podcast, with a touch of Taiwanese music and singing karaoke alone. And here I will link some of my recommendation bellow:






And for this one I don’t know how to explain the app’s name so I’ll link you their google playstore link. This app basically help you on writing bpmf character. So I’ve been starting to learn zhuyin lately and sometimes I don’t know how to pair some words, so this app really helps you to check what bpmf to use. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bj.largetext . oh and I don't think this app is available on apple playstore. 

Last but not least is AnkiDroid, this app is really useful, so this app is basically a flashcard app. You can also download some youtuber’s app or maybe a series of words in one category. This app is also can be used to learn language other than Chinese. So maybe if you’re crazy enough to learn 2 language at once, AnkiDroid can help~.

That’s all for my explanation for each app that I’ve been using. I might update you if I have another new app that I like, but for now, this is the list. And if you have any other app or Spotify/Youtube channel you can always post it in the comments and recommend it to everyone~ be sure to say your opinion on the app too, so people can know more.
