Get To Know: My Dog

Testing my new Olympus E-PL7 and Introducing My Shih Tzu (Mochi) - So I just bought a new mirrorless camera for work, hobby, travel and etc. Got myself a Olympus E-PL7 and overall I like the bulkiness of the camera and the quality. Although my first choice is Sony 5100 but the Image stabilizer and external flash got me in the wallet. 

So, what's the best thing other than to test your camera on your dog. Note: All pictures are taken using AUTO mode. Mostly because I'm still bad at using Manual, but I will learn. 

"What are you doin Homan?"

Here's the first photo, a beauty portrait of Mochi. So let me introduce you guys to her, Mochi is a 5 years old Shih Tzu said her vet, but my mother's friend think she's 10 years old. My family doesn't know her exact age because we rescued her from the sewer.

It starts from 2016 Christmas night, my father's friend found her in the sewer near my house. And then they took care of her for a bit. Because they already have 2 big dogs there's no way they can keep them. So they decided to gave her to my father. And my father said yes.

Ever since that day we've grown in love with her and she adapted to us quickly (maybe she knows she's being rescued). From day zero she doesn't have any restrain towards human and that's great. And as per now she already got her yearly injection, she has been shaved (her hair was tangled and her skin got a rash from the sewer), she's now eating a great dog food (Royal Canin). And most importantly she now has a family.

She's 5kg now and fat AF.

Until now we don't really know how she got into the sewer, but we think it's because she has cataract. Or because the previous owner doesn't take care of her well.

P.S; She poo and pee in the garden but sometimes she still poo or pee inside the house (this happens when she's moody). And she already got her yearly period (which is a pain to take care of).

Where she usually eats her snacks.

She love to sits on people's lap
Mochi's side profile
